Please plan to arrive at your appointment time. If you arrive early, we may ask you to wait in your car until the designated time.
When you arrive to the parking lot, please call 215-290-6198 to notify our staff of your arrival. Once your time is confirmed, you will be notified to come to the door and knock for entry.
Please wear an approved mask to your appointment, which includes cloth masks and surgical masks. Please avoid wearing scarves and bandannas, as these have been shown to be less effective against the spread of COVID-19 (more information here from CDC). Masks will be provided, if needed.
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, we check everyone’s temperature at the front door with a touch-less thermometer. If you have a fever of 100 or more, you may be asked to return to your car and await further instructions from our staff or your provider.
To quicken registration, please print out the Flu Consent Form here and bring it to your appointment. If you have access to the Patient Portal, you may also complete the form online.
We look forward to seeing you at our office!